Reliable property and winter maintenance

30 years of experience

Over 80 properties being maintained

14 employees

Our comprehensive services

Property maintenance and servicing are the key to ensuring that property is well-functioning and comfortable.

We take care of 80 housing cooperatives and commercial properties in central Helsinki. Our activities are based on high-quality preventative maintenance and a customer-driven approach.

We also provide comprehensive snow work, clearing and gritting, and expert construction and renovation services.

Helsingin Kiinteistötekniikka provides expert HVAC services on a flexible basis with fast response times.

Uudet kattokourut ja syöksytorvet asennettuna.

Property maintenance

Kiinteistönhuoltaja pudottaa lunta katoilta.

Snow work


Turvakypärä rakennustyömaan julkisivun edessä.

Minor repairs

Remontoija sahaa asennettavaa lattialaminaattia.

Minor maintenance

High-quality property maintenance services, reliably and cost-efficiently.


We provide a wide range of property maintenance, winter maintenance, basic repairs and earthmoving services.


Our ace cards are professional skill, speed and flexibility; you order and we deliver!


Request a quote

We aim to provide our customers with comprehensive and high-quality service.